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Welcome to the Madrigal Database. At the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS. Peru, the Consortium of Resonance and Rayleigh Lidars. The Institute of Geology and Geophysics. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Oulu. Finland, and finally, the archival CEDAR.
This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. It is based on the equivalent page on Debian, from which the Ubuntu Apache packaging is derived. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. You should replace this file. Before continuing to operate your HTTP server. Package was installed on this server. Is always included from the main.
Welcome to the Madrigal Database. Peru, the Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, and finally, the archival CEDAR. Site To see a list of all Madrigal sites, choose Full Data Access. And select Go to a different Madrigal site. Data can also be accessed directly, using APIs.
The Sydney University Madrigal Society is a small a cappella choir. Our society began in 1999 as four students singing madrigals around a piano, but we have since evolved into a full chamber choir, performing everything from part-song, to chanson, to our favourite madrigals. We rehearse for two hours weekly on Tuesdays, with major concerts in May and October every year. We also run a smal.
УБЕДИТЕЛЬНАЯ ПРОСЬБА ОБРАЩАТЬ ВНИМАНИЕ НА АФИШУ, В КАКОМ ПОМЕЩЕНИИ ПРОХОДИТ СПЕКТАКЛЬ. Сегодня мы поздравляем актеров театра, коллег и любителей театра с Международным днём театра! Праздник день театра традиционно отмечается всеми работниками театра. А также миллионами неравнодушных зрителей, для которых этот праздник дань профессионалам в их способности дарить людям радость, теплоту и надежду.